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School Safety

Walker County Schools has identified school safety as a priority.  Walker County Schools is committed to creating an environment where teachers can teach and students can learn in a climate that promotes success.   An effective and safe school is a vital center of the community. Walker County Schools is committed to providing and maintaining a positive and safe school climate; free of drugs, violence, intimidation, bullying and fear.  Walker County Schools is also committed to promoting knowledge and skills in fire safety, tornado safety, and personal safety to our students and staff.  These skills will help families maintain safety in their homes and in the community. Walker County Schools promotes learning, safety, and socially appropriate behaviors and also provides support for students in achieving high standards and fostering positive relationships.  Students whose families are involved in their growth and educational activities are more likely to experience school success and less likely to become involved in anti-social activities. 

Walker County Schools welcomes parents into the schools and wants parents to be an active part of their children’s education. Walker County Schools is making every effort to ensure the safety of students and the safety of those who teach them through the development, training and implementation of a school safety plan.  Principals may designate others to develop, train and implement such plans but are responsible for the safety and well-being of their campus students and staffs.  Safe School planning involves the entire community.  Students, parents, educators, law enforcement, mental health, business and community leaders should be involved in the process. Each school campus has a school safety plan which outlines strategies and identifies actions for fostering a safe and positive learning environment.   These plans are created through coordinated partnerships with the Walker County Sheriff’s Department, local police departments, various departments for fire and rescue, Walker County Emergency Management Agency, and numerous other community agencies.  Walker County Schools places a priority on school safety and crisis preparedness so that each school in the Walker County Schools system will be prepared to respond to emergencies. Schools are places of learning.  Students, parents, educators, and the community have the right to expect that schools be safe and free of violence.  We desire our schools to be safe places on a daily basis as a result of the strong commitment of educators, parents, students, law enforcement, and the community.  Walker County Board of Education employs a school safety administrator.

Parents and community members should know that each school site has a safety plan.  This plan is coordinated, developed and practiced with students, staffs and the appropriate agencies.  Portions of this plan must remain confidential in an effort to provide the safest learning environment, ,most effective response to events and overall safety of the students, staff and those responding.  In the event of relocation, parents and guardians will be notified using a mass phone call of check out procedures.